A haven for children in need of an education
We can’t ignore the needs of children in Belize who are facing life threatening, crisis situations and need a safe haven where they can heal and be nurtured into a hopeful future: addressing needs - physical, spiritual, social, and mental.
Building trust
A child who is born into extreme poverty has a very fragile sense of security. We focus on ministering to the child by bringing stability into the child's life: a guiding voice, and an opportunity to obtain a fundamental education taught with a definitive Christian view.
A Christian learning environment
Ontario Christian School provides children with a Christian centered learning environment where the holistic model is used to address a child's learning potential. The focus is on academic excellence and for preparing students by providing them with the skills necessary to pursue a secondary education and to practice Godly wisdom as they transtion from children and into future productive members of society; everyday life skills are taught and practiced to prepare each child for an independent future.
We believe each child has the potential to develop and learn the skills that will help them to live productive lives and become positive contributors to their community. Children are given the opportunity to learn and benefit from both academic and biblical fundamentals.
A tremendous impact
Your donations are crucial to Belize Faith Missions to provide help for children attending our Mission School, Ontario Christian. With a small donation each month you can help provide a child with some or all of their educational expenses (tuition,uniforms, school supplies, etc...), a nutritious school-lunch each day, and/or perhaps their transportation costs to and from school each day. Most importantly you will be helping to provide them with the safe haven of a Christian environment. Make a tremendous impact. DONATE TODAY!
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